A Freedom Funds Line of Credit Loan from Easy Cash America is a loan that gives you the flexibility to borrow what you need, when you need it. We give you a credit line, and you can choose to borrow just what you need now. This means you only pay interest on the amount you actually borrow. You decide whether to pay the minimum amount due on your due date, or to make larger payments to reduce your principal balance quicker. As you pay down your principal balance, you can borrow more money if you need it (up to your credit limit). Thes means you have the Freedom to control how much you borrow, how you use the funds available to you, and repay the balance in whatever way fits your needs.
Yes. Less than perfect credit doesn’t always prevent you from qualifying for a loan. Even if you have been turned down by other lenders, Easy Cash America will work to try and get you the Freedom Funds Loan you need.
To apply for Freedom Funds Line of Credit, you need to be at least 18 years old and reside in one of the following states:
We will contact you via email and over the phone about your approval.
It isn’t necessarily better than other loans, but it does offer quite a bit more flexibility. IF you’re not sure how much money you may need, and if you want a loan that allows flexibility in the repayment terms, then a Line of Credit may be a better choice for you.
You are charged interest on the average daily balance of your account. Easy Cash America recommends that you only borrow the amount you need at the time to reduce the amount of interest you pay.
Please contact us right away at 833-523-1045 to set up payment by debit card, or any other acceptable method. We understand that sometimes things come up that are out of your control. We’ll do what we can to work with you, but it is important that you contact us so we can work with you to resolve the problem together.
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